Games and Sports

ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners: A Detailed Exploration


ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) is a action-adventure survival game and quickly became a big community. Studio Wildcard puts you in a prehistoric world where you have to survive, tame dinosaurs and build civilizations. A big part of any game’s interface and marketing is the use of icons and banners, which guide, inform and tempt players. In this post we’ll go into the details of ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners, design, functionality and impact.

Problem: ARK: Survival Evolved (2017)

Visual Communication in Games

One of the biggest challenges in game design is to make sure visual elements communicate well. Icons and banners must be recognizable, convey the right information and enhance the player experience without overwhelming them. For a game like ARK: Survival Evolved which has complex gameplay mechanics and a lot of items, creatures and structures, this is even bigger challenge.

Agitate: ARK: Survival Evolved (2017)

ARK: Survival Evolved is not your average survival game. It has a lot of items, from basic tools and weapons to advanced technology. Players have to manage their inventory, resources and interactions with different creatures. Without well designed icons, navigating this complex web of gameplay elements can be frustrating and confusing. Badly designed banners and icons can make the interface cluttered and the player can’t play the game effectively.

Solution: ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners

The icons in ARK: Survival Evolved are designed to be functional and clear. Each icon represents an item, creature or action clearly and concisely. Let’s break it down:

  1. Simplicity and Recognition: The icons use simple shapes and clear symbols. For example, the pickaxe icon is straightforward, a distinct silhouette that players can recognize even at small sizes.
  2. Color Coding: Different categories of items are color coded, so players can quickly identify what they’re looking at. For example consumables like food and medicine are green, weapons and tools are metallic.
  3. Details and Art Style: Despite being simple, ARK’s icons are detailed enough to convey important information. A spear icon for example shows not only the shape but also the material, stone, metal or another resource.
  4. Interactive Feedback: Icons provide interactive feedback. When selected or hovered over they might change color or show additional details, giving the player immediate visual cues.

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Banners in ARK: Survival Evolved do multiple things, from promotional graphics to in-game notifications. Here’s how they work:

  1. Promotional Banners: These are for marketing, often on the main menu or in updates. They have nice art, showing new content, updates or special events. It’s not too complex, so you get the message at a glance.
  2. In-Game Banners: These appear during gameplay, showing events, achievements or status updates. Designed to be noticeable but not intrusive, often at the edges of the screen or in specific UI sections.
  3. Event Banners: Special events in ARK, like seasonal updates or community challenges, have their own banners. These are usually thematic, with elements related to the event, like holiday symbols or special creature designs. Thematic consistency helps engage players and make the event feel special.

Case Study: The Evolution Event

ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners

Take a look at the Evolution Event, a recurring special event in ARK: Survival Evolved to see how good icon and banner designs can make a difference.

Problem During Evolution Event

The Evolution Event, with boosted rates for taming, gathering and experience gain, presented a problem: how to communicate these temporary changes without overwhelming the players with information.

Agitation: Initial Feedback and Confusion

Players are having trouble tracking the changes and bonuses for the Evolution Event. Standard icons and banners didn’t differentiate the event’s specific elements well, causing confusion and frustration.

Solution: Icon and Banner Overhaul

Studio Wildcard solved this by overhauling the event’s visual communication:

  1. Unique Icons: Event specific icons were introduced, with a different color scheme and style. For example, taming icons during the event were golden, so they stood out from regular icons.
  2. Dynamic Banners: In-game banners were redesigned to be more dynamic, with animations and bright colors to grab the player’s attention. They will show the event start and end times, bonuses and any special instructions.
  3. Consistency Across Platforms: Promotional banners on social media and the main menu were synced, using the same visual language and style. This consistency helped reinforce the event and reduce confusion.


It worked. Players can track and benefit from the Evolution Event much better. The unique icons and dynamic banners kept players informed and engaged.


ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners shows us the power of good visual communication. By addressing the problems and implementing the solutions Studio Wildcard has made the game more intuitive and fun. Whether through the detailed icons that help you navigate your inventory or the dynamic banners that announce big events, these visual elements are key to the game.


1. How do icons and banners impact gameplay in ARK: Survival Evolved?

Icons and banners are key to the game’s complexity. Well designed icons help you identify items, creatures and actions, banners give you information about events, updates and in game notifications.

2. What makes an icon good in ARK?

A good icon in ARK: Survival Evolved is simple, recognisable and consistent in style. It should convey its purpose at a glance, use colour coding for categorisation and provide interactive feedback when needed.

3. How do event banners get players engaged in ARK?

Event banners grab players attention to special events, with clear dynamic information to encourage participation. By using unique designs and consistent visual themes they make events feel special and fun.

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